Posts Tagged ‘Networking’

FB Posts or Blog?

May 21, 2015

I opted for a sabbatical from my favourite networking activity – Facebook posts, at the beginning of this year.

There was no trigger, no outrageous troll on my page, no incendiary comments – none of the things that put people off social networks. I had established contact with many people that I had lost touch with for decades, and was thrilled to be communicating with them as if time had stood still. I loved the old, familiar banter, and was a sucker for all the nostalgia that was invariably invoked. Hazy memories of persons and places became sharp again. There was a certain psychological comfort, too – a little like returning home after a long, arduous and sometimes lonesome journey.

Facebook had established a “equal footing” relationship with my younger relatives, alumni of the institutions that I studied in, colleagues, and old associates. The ripple steadily spread, and second-degree & third-degree contacts were a delight to establish. One could sometimes hear the unspoken word, the unexpressed thought or a putative idea, and it felt nice to be part of such a varied and heterogenous milieu. The mind grew; the soul, too –  a little by little! There was (and is) much to be thankful for. The credit goes to the eclectic individuals and groups I came into contact with – good human beings, scientists, authors, artists, professionals, thinkers and emotional co-travellers.

There was something that I was missing, though.

On Facebook, one responded immediately. Often, it was instinctively. Many times, the response could have been better, or more nuanced. At other times, when one had to introspect on posts and events, the time had passed, and what was in one’s mind could no longer be related to the original post. Hijacks that happen are part of the networking fun, but often diluted the ideas being discussed. Conversations sometimes had so many participants, one could never relate to the flow of thoughts and words.

The next concern was privacy – how could one confine posts to a few people, or responses, without violating others’ privacy? Sometimes, there is a certain issue one recognised about a post or friend. One wants to respond, perhaps be of assistance or simply convey support, or even disagree with passionately. I found doing this was difficult – as threads would veer off into unintended directions. I had also seen a few of my friends deeply affected by comments made by others, and no redress was possible.

The final concern was topicality. Much of what I would like to share through an original post may not interest more than a handful of people – and I would be boring a whole lot of my friends across the spectrum who had a different wavelength. This too, I had seen happening: Some of the posts that I thought carried some important messages were completely ignored; clearly, they were either too disturbing, or the emotional quotient was unpleasantly high. These included my posts, too.

During the last 5 months and a little more that I have been on this little vacation of mine, I have enjoyed the great luxury of both introspection, and anonymity. That was until very concerned friends started messaging & mailing me to inquire about the state of my health (and mind, though they didn’t say so!). It was a tough job convincing them that I am on song, and as fond of the world around me as I have always been. Then came the inevitable question: “Why are you so silent then”? There have been many times when family, friends and others have fondly prayed for some silence from me, and this was a very new experience!

That is when I remembered that I had this Blog – to which I had contributed nothing. It struck me that this gave me an opportunity to post at leisure, nuance my thoughts, add tags so that only those that were interested in those topics would be compelled to hear me, and I could be more honest and personal in what I wrote without offending or alarming my contacts and friends. Many of you know I have varied interests, but not all fruits can go into fruit salad – one needs to address the right audience with appropriate messages.

I am happy, therefore, to invite all of you to view this BLOG from time to time, respond to what I write in whatever manner you wish to. I solemnly promise  I will not take offence at your responses, nor will I respond with offence or malice. Differences of opinion can be freely aired, and I believe I will be enriched by them.

As for Facebook, I am a bit of squatter right now, and wish to enjoy being a fly on the wall for some more time. I can always message my friends, as they too can me. It will be a while before I get back there…

Did I hear a sigh of relief…!!!